Sunday, July 24, 2005

Welcome to Malkanthapuragudi!

I like to read books - A rainy afternoon during the monsoon season (on the pyol with smoke rising on the tiled roofs of houses) with a novel on one hand is my idea of heaven: that a cup of coffee on the other hand is my idea of nectar goes without saying. I like to listen to music - To wake up at around 5:30 on a cool summer morning listening to Bhavayami of MS is also my idea of heaven: that a cup of coffee appears in this heaven also to perform the duty of nectar should not surprise you. In fact, I know of a short story of Kalki Ra. Krishnamoorthy, where, one of his character longs for a cup of coffee in the heaven, and is pretty disgusted with himself for mistakenly comparing the wonderful coffee that his daughter-in-law used to serve with nectar. But I am rambling. I read lots of articles and books on science and technology: that is part of my job. I watch plenty of movies: I prefer to think that that is my job too. And, I love to talk about all these things. As any number of my friends would tell you - I am a compulsive talker: I watched a good movie - I read a good novel - I read about some new discovery - I found a nice book in the library - Then, I just can't keep quiet - I keep talking about them everywhere - In the coffee house, in the tea kiosk, while having lunch/dinner, on the way to and from the eating place, and just about anywhere. Recently, I found that two of my friends carried these conversations over to the internet using blogs. Now, that was tempting, and, as you can see, I can resist anything but temptation!

I have named my blog Malkanthapuragudi - After the Kanthapura of Raja Rao and Malgudi of RK Narayan. Like Kanthapura and Malgudi, this is an imaginary landscape. Also, like Kanthapura and Malgudi, I hope, it will stand for much more - It could be the microscosm of the universe in which we live in. It could be the backdrop against which greater events can take place, and greater truths be understood, and greater questions be raised and probably answered. So, welcome to Malkanthapuragudi!


Blogger Shencottah said...

welcome aboard!!! interesting posts...

8:42 pm  
Blogger Shencottah said...

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8:42 pm  
Blogger Abi said...

Good show, Guru! Look forward to lots of good stuff.

6:29 pm  

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