Monday, December 12, 2005

The Archbishop who was mistaken for a chauffeur!

His grace the Archbishop Desmond Tutu delivered the last JRD Tata memorial lecture of National Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS) on "Is there hope for humanity?". After listing many of the depressing inhuman and depraved acts that occurred in the last century (and continue to occur even now at different parts of the world), the Archbishop was still hopeful of a better future for humanity. This hope, for him, hinged on the fact that we inhabit a moral universe, and intuitively recognise good and evil. The Archbishop was alternatingly humourous and serious, but never lost the human touch. He also indicated why efforts of eradication of poverty, disease and ignorance (by those of us who can) is not altruism but the best form of self-interest, for, we can only prosper together. I liked the fine sense of humour of the Archbishop; and, for me, the later part of the lecture was more spiritual than political. It also felt so good to hear such wonderful things about Mahatma Gandhi. On the whole, a nice evening and an elevating lecture!


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